A review by rosesforreading
How Do We Know Ourselves?: Curiosities and Marvels of the Human Mind by David G. Myers


Learning about the brain and it's unique processes is so fascinating. This book does a fantastic job of introducing and explaining several psychological principles in a way that most anyone can understand. Myers discussed each topic by including a small description and references to a study involving the theory. I enjoyed how he made the topics come to life and easy to understand. He also discussed how different psychological theories have changed over recent years and what seems to still be applicable. As someone who had taken several psychology courses at college, I recognized most of the topics, however, someone who is not familiar with psychology would still be able to understand this book.
I listened to this as an audiobook and the narrator was very easy to understand and was enjoyable to listen to. One potential drawback of this book is the references to scriptures. Since the author is a professor at a Christian college it is not surprising that he would include scriptures, however, some people may not like this. Overall the book was very informative and nice to listen to. Thank you to netgalley for providing me with an advanced listening copy of this book.