A review by adelelane
Celeste by I.N.J. Culbard


(note to self: make a graphic novel tag)

overall this book was reallllly quick and easy to read (i could've finished within an hour but i had lunch).
what made me pick it up though was the cover. the use of colours, composition and text was really refreshing and aesthetically pleasing, also i have an interest with body suits, so the astronaut suit was a little bonus for me.
it's a beautiful graphic novel with enchanting landscape scenes and i appreciated the way Culbard used the grid and his lack of text in places, however, the plot was really weak and that was it's downfall for me. it wasn't anything new honestly. the three main characters discover that they're the only ones left on earth, along with a few number of others and those three characters have to overcome their personal demons.
also, i felt it was really rushed, especially in Lilly's and the Japanese character's story and i guess because of this the illustrations did get me confused and should have been a bit more clearer.
anway, my eyes really did enjoy the illustrations (i'm looking at the cover now and i'm honestly so love), but hopefully next time i pick up Culbard's work it'll be a more satisfying journey.