A review by traciesimister
Consumed by the Dare by Casey Hagen


I gave this Book a rating of 4.5 ✩’s
Title: Consumed by the Dare
Series: (Kindle Worlds Novella) Dare To Love Series:
Genre: Sports Romance
Author: Casey Hagen
Format: Kindle Edition
Published on: January 25, 2016

I voluntarily reviewed a Courtesy Advanced Reader Copy of this book
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Character’s Descriptions:
London Abbott, is the head librarian of the Bronx Public Library
Ryker Christiansen is the star of the Miami Thunder Football team
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Summary Paragraph:
When Ryker screws up London is saddled with him for him to complete community service
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What I liked/Didn’t Like: Loved the Characters in the book the author made them easy to relate to and the storyline was interesting as well.