A review by jess_mango
The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner


It's the 1970s and Reno, a young woman nick-named after the town of her birth has moved to NYC to try to make her way as an artist. She has a thing for motorcycles and going fast. There are lots of scenes about the NY art scene. Reno hangs out with her crowd of artists and meets up with Sandro, an Italian artist who happens to be the son of a family that owns a motorcycle company. hmm. The book jumps from Nevada, to NY, to a rubber plantation in South America to Italy.

i have to admit, this book was just kind of meh for me. I just found myself not really caring or wanting to push through it. The book was nominated for a few awards and I can appreciate the author's talent, however neither the characters nor the subject matter interested me much.

this book counts towards the Reading Women 2020 Challenge Task #10: a book about a woman artist