A review by hayleysnextpage
Defenseless by Corinne Michaels


- Private security x CIA agent
- Romantic suspense
- He falls first
- Book 5 in the Salvation series
- Dual POV

This series is CRACK! I was so excited about Mark's book because he had such a memorable personality in the other books in the series. Thankfully, Defenseless didn't disappoint, and he certainly met his match in Charlie—a CIA agent his security firm is working with to uncover who's after them.

Defenseless was a lot more suspenseful (and spicier) than the other books in the series, which is my kryptonite! I loved trying to understand what was happening, as both Mark and Charlie had secrets. Trust me, the last 40% or so will suck you in, and you won't be able to put the book down.

Mark and Charlie were both stubborn MMCs and had a pull on each other that she vehemently tried to deny. But well, it was love at first sight for Mark 😅. He was perfect for her, though. He understood her and what she needed and wasn't letting her go without a fight (literally).

The banter and tension were also AMAZING! Top tier! 

Favourite quotes:
- "You and I, we're fire, baby. And I'm about to burn you to the ground."
- "When I'm with Mark, I'm not in the shadows. It's as though he sees nothing but me. He brings me into the sun to stand beside him."
- "You're so beautiful. Every time I look at you, it literally takes my breath away. I see you, Charlie. I see it all."
- "I will never leave you behind, Charlie. I'll bash through walls, take beatings, and give my life for you. That's love. That's how much you mean to me. Don't you get it? Without you in my life... it's worthless. You though," he pauses. "You're everything to me."