A review by faithlessone
The Song of Troy by Colleen McCullough


In general, I did like this take on the Trojan tale, but I have a couple of criticisms.

The narration device of having a different viewpoint in each chapter is one of my favourites, but in this case it was often difficult to tell one from the other. I think having fewer voices, more clearly defined, would have made the story immeasurely better.

My other criticism is that the author clearly has her favourites. Achilles and Odysseus have been firmly manipulated, with portions of the story greatly changed to put them to their best advantage. Achilles, in particular, seems to have been painted in a unfairly flattering light. Meanwhile, the women have been universally condemned. Hekabe does nothing but howl and scream and bewail her fate. Andromache is weak, guilty and ungrateful. Helen is a heinous slut who has no positive character traits at all. Even Brise, who starts out as a strong character, quickly degenerates into yet another of Achilles' loyal devotees.

All in all, a reasonable novel, but not my favourite version of the story by a very wide margin.