A review by sabbygee
Icon of the Indecisive by Mina V. Esguerra


Come check out my stop on the Interim Goddess of Love blog tour and enter the giveaway to win copies of the trilogy!

OH MY GODS, YOU GUYS. Where do I even begin? It's funny how at first I didn't really expect to rate any of the books higher than three (hey, I gotta be honest here) but with every book in the trilogy I was left wanting more. I guess that's just the magic that is Mina Esguerra's writing.

(I've tried writing this paragraph's intro so many times but I just have so much feels for this book I kept pressing the backspace because I can't think straight. It's been four days, guys. FOUR DAYS. I'm still hungover this is insaaaaane. *clears throat* moving on...)

There are two big things that this book is about: Hannah's love life and her goddess duties. I just loved how Hannah's love life panned out! We got to meet Robbie in the previous books but here is where we really get to know him. And boy do I love him. Seriously. Robbie can go head-to-head with a lot of popular young/new adult book boyfriends and he'd come out victorious. Okay that's a tad bit dramatic but I'm all for drama because this book has so much of it. Yes, drama. You'd think things would be easier for Hannah, what with her powers and all that but it really isn't. Apparently, playing temporary Goddess of Love complicates your chances of falling in like. Robbie and Hannah's relationship was sweet and complicated but I liked it. Despite knowing everything that Robbie was going to do, Hannah was surprisingly cooperative. It's like she just allowed herself to be normal. I was half expecting her to just give up on making a relationship with a regular human work but she didn't. And that's one of the things that made her character all the more lovable. No unnecessary drama. She's simply uncomplicated. And Robbie.... oh yeah. Robbie. So adorable and cute. And in love. This may be the one time I choose the regular human over some paranormal being. The ONE time. How can you not?! We need more Robbies in the world. Please? Thank you.

Now in the final installment, pieces of the puzzle are finally put together. I won't drop hints whatsoever because I want you all to get goosebumps, just like I did, when everything's uncovered. Hannah's dreams were finally given meaning to and everything that were vague before. Which goddess did the dreams belong to? Is the Original Goddess of Love ever coming back? What happens with Quin? And Robbie? (I'm getting goosebumps as I type this) All of that is answered here and I can't express fully just how AMAZING it was all tied together. Hannah's also a lot more kickass here so that's definitely a plus. Everything that transpired made me want to read the whole book all over again and write fan fiction for myself just to satiate this need for more. It's not that the story didn't satisfy me, because it did - so much, but there was room left for a lot of possibilities. And I think that's what the story leaves readers with - this attachment to all the characters. That's probably the reason why I'm still very much hungover this story.

An exciting conclusion to an imaginative and well-written trilogy, Icon of the Indecisive has it all. You'll regret not picking this trilogy up. ;-)

P.S. #TEAMROBBIE I'm calling out to the Goddess of Love, I need a Robbie in my life. Heeh.

(I received a copy for review. This did not influence me in any way.)