A review by sumsreadsalot
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne


I bought this book due to the rave reviews and boy...i wish i hadn't. The first part of the book actually got me hooked and i was enjoying it even though at the back of my mind i was pushing aside the immaturity between the games the two characters play. It was actually funny at times the banter between the two and i was invested but... then we got to the part where the characters get together and it all goes downhill from there. Please explain to me how you can hate someone so much you feel like murdering them and the next minute you're suddenly so OBSESSED with them?? It was so creepy and unnatural!

Im telling you these two characters are not NORMAL! They have mental health issues, unsure what exactly but something definitely there under the surface! She's meant to be kind and everyone 'loves' her in the office but thats a pretense cs shes essentially everyone's boss in a way and they really don't even know her that well. There's no effort to get to know the other characters in the workplace or around their lives at all...its like it's just Lucy and Josh and no one else.

He's broody and moody but oh so good looking and muscles, muscles, muscles! I got so frustrated at every single mention of his 'insane' body i felt like throwing up! Not to mention being constantly reminded of Lucy's shortness every 5 minutes!

The second half of this book is where it definitely nosedived into an abyss of boredom and repetition and obsessiveness, it actually felt like the writer swapped with someone else half way because they couldnt be bothered to develop the story in a better way.

'and i make a mark when i see you smile at someone else.' - just...WHAT?? His jealousy is something she just ignores or accepts. It's brushed aside like its nothing. I dont get it. HOW can anyone read this book and give it such a high rating?? Theres so many quotes like this that i can annotate and rip apart but its really not worth my time.

Oh and he paints his room the colour of her eyes soon after meeting her and yet still continues to be horrible to her.. is that...meant to be romantic???

I can't believe i wasted so much of my time reading this book. The only positive aspect of this book and why it even got one star from me is because of the apt title... 'the hating game', yep the game is to hate the book and i won. I want to burn it!!