A review by punkrocknreticence
Tales From a Tiny Room by Wayne Rée


I went to BooksActually — by far the most charming independent bookstore in Singapore— in July, and was completely taken aback by the wonders they have in store for readers who walks in; the three store cats notwithstanding.

It is there that I came across Wayne Rée's Tales From A Tiny Room , and was drawn in by the excellent blurb and premise.

A collection of 14 works of speculative short fiction, Tales From A Tiny Room promises to take one 'from the everyday to the extraordinary'. Indeed; save for the first three stories which seemed quite all over the place even for such short ones; the ideas were fresh and notable — on several occasions I found them extremely clever. My favourites stories were 'Creation Myth', 'Wake up', and 'The Flying Man'.

The one aspect this book does fall weak on, however, is the writing style, which lacks flavour and distinctiveness. The impact of its abruptness, its twists and turns is somewhat undone by its tone and often unconvincing dialogue.

Overall, this book was a lovely short read. This is the first piece of SingLit I have ever consumed, and it was just as impressive as about everything else about the country.