A review by thepaperreels
I Hope You're Listening by Tom Ryan


"I didn't start Radio Silent to bring myself attention. I started it for the opposite reason, to bring attention to cases and people who deserved it. To draw my own obsessive attention away from the mystery that's haunted me for more than half my life.

It's never been about me. It's about the people who need finding."

Reading I Hope You're Listening was such a roller coaster ride! The book is mainly about the aftermath of the disappearance of our protagonist's bestfriend. Dee was with Sibby the day she disappeared and naturally, she somehow blames herself for what happened. Some days she still finds herself thinking, "what could I have done differently to prevent her from being abducted?" The trauma is still haunting her and her true crime podcast helps her with dealing with this. 

This book has been marketed under the Thriller and Mystery genre and even though those are correct, I can't help but still be terrified as if what I'm reading is a Horror book. It's probably because I know that this kind of stuff happens in real life. The book truly captured the horrifying and heart-breaking events of having someone being taken away from you without you and that someone's consent. I Hope You're Listening was fast paced and truly an absorbing read. Each chapter leaves you interested and wanting for more. With Tom Ryans very readable writing, it's not hard to get lost on Dee's world and life. You'll find yourself feeling like she does. Wondering like she does. And wanting the truth like she does.

Dee is a great character, she's not perfect in any way but I found myself rooting for her. Tom Ryan penned realistic and likeable characters and as the thrill and mystery solidify, you can't help but think that one of them is the "bad guy" I didn't have any issues with the characters at all, however, I did hope that the romance aspect was executed in a different way. I admire the fact that Dee doesn't have to come out at any point in the book, but I wished that Dee getting together with that particular character didn't happen so fast.

As I Hope You're Listening is a mystery thriller, plot-wise, I would say that they mysterious atmosphere was well done! It kept me guessing and I really didn't foresee how everything will be wrapped up. Even though I hope that the "revelation" should've been MORE, I was still satisfied and contented with how it was done and finished. 

Overall, I would recommend I Hope You're Listening to every mystery thriller junkies out there! I Hope You're Listening truly delivered, it will keep you engrossed 'till the very end.