A review by michalice
Pure by Julianna Baggott


I have had my eye on Pure for a while and was happy to receive a copy for review.

When I started reading Pure I thought it was a lot darker than what I expected it to be, but I still really liked it. I liked how people were affected from the Detonations, either being fused with things; dolls head, metal, cars, glass, birds. or being fused together; groupies, or ended up being creatures that hid in the dirt and dust.

From the moment I began reading it was easy to fall into the world of the Pures and the Wretches and see how each group of people lives their lives. Some living in the comfort of the Dome, and others taking one day at a time and trying to survive at all costs.

I felt sorry for the people affected by the Detonations and for what they had become and found myself cheering them on when they came under attack wanting them to get the upper hand. They are true survivors and I really looked up to them.

Bradwell, a Wretch like Pressia, was an enigma. I really didn't know how to take him, whether he was good, bad or just not that interested on being on either side but throughout Pure I managed to see a different side to him and really liked what he came to be and I am really really looking forward to seeing what happens next with him. When El Capitan was first introduced I didn't like him, and even up to the end of Pure, even though he does show a good side to him I still don't trust him.

Pressia is a Wretch, she looks after her grandfather and makes sure they survive each day, and even after everything she has been through and everything she finds out about herself she doesn't waver from what she set out to do. She is strong, tough and a real survivor.

Julianna's writing captivated me from page one, I fell hook, line and sinker into the world within the pages of Pure and found it hard to rag myself back out. There was never a dull moment with something always going on and I will defiantly be putting a copy of Pure on my shelves and plan to read the next book in the series as soon as it is released.