A review by theawkwardbookw
The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre


Video Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6doKXSwzeVQ

4.5 STARS for this erotic thriller!
"No one is normal, everyone is just pretending to be normal."

Three years ago, 21 year old Deanna Madden moved into apartment 6E and hasn't left since. After one gruesome night where she lost her whole family in a mass murder her mother committed, she makes the decision to lock her self in her apartment in fear that she is a danger to society. She is constantly day dreaming about murdering anyone she comes in contact with and because of this, she hasn't come into contact with any human in those 3 years. In order to make an income, she works for on-line webcam companies posing as 19-year old Jessica Reily. When one client begins to request some strange things during their camming sessions surrounding a young girl named Annie, Deanna begins to worry that he may be planning something and she is determined to stop it.

This book was EXTREMELY fast paced and I could NOT put it down. I was constantly thinking about it when I did put it down and couldn't wait to get back to it. Right from the very first line I was hooked. The plot was so unique and the characters were so complex that I instantly fell in love with the book, It was both intense and touching all wrapped up into one. It was really interesting to read about Deanna trying to keep the evil desires inside her at bay and how its a daily struggle for her. By the end of the story, you feel this sense of hope that Deanna will be able to do everything she's ever wanted to without having to worry about what will happen if she's around other people. I dropped half a star only because of how many scenes there were. I understand the concept of the book being that Deanna is a cam girl, which is in the sex industry, but it got to the point where it was repetitive and I just wanted to get to the blood and murder!!! I did find it interesting to learn about all the other clients she had though and what their secret desires were. It was clear that A.R Torre had done her research. The book is described as Dexter mixed with 50 Shades of Grey and I DEFINITELY agree. The multiple POV were so well written and so easy to follow it made the book so much more enjoyable. The shock factor of this book was so crazy! I was constantly sitting there with my mouth hanging open not believing what I was reading. The book is being made into a movie as well so that should be interesting... Definitely try going into the book blind because it makes it SO much better!

Deanna was an amazing character. Her sarcasm and sense of humour was hilarious to read about. It was so cool to read from her perspective and knowing that she full on knew that she was a psychotic killer. She was such an honest character and definitely knew who she was. She has killed in the past and because of this, she knows that she needs to be locked up.

This was my first A.R Torre book but I will DEFINITELY be picking up the next ASAP!

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