A review by doorisajar
Behemoth: Seppuku by Peter Watts


I read ß-Max and Seppuku as a single book, so I'll submit a single review of ßehemoth.

ßehemoth concludes the Rifters trilogy, and it does resolve pretty much everything, but there were a few areas where it didn't work for me quite as well as its predecessors. Being the third book, the major "idea" reveals have already taken place -- the nature of the Rifters, of ßehemoth itself, the 'lawbreakers, the head cheeses, etc. The surprises therefore come almost entirely from plot twists and shocking torture scenes, rather than from new ideas. The torture scenes were a little over the top, even for me. The plot twists were a strange mix of overly telegraphed in advance and seemingly random or unnecessary. A number of seemingly pivotal events turn out to be pointless, which makes me wonder why I needed to spend so much time reading about them earlier on. The book might have been less slow to get going if some of these events were cut or glossed over.

ßehemoth was still good, and I'm glad I've finally polished off the Rifters trilogy, but it didn't quite rise to the level of Starfish or Maelstrom.