A review by creepepaper
Scary Stories for Sleep-Overs by R.C. Welch


This book terrified me in the 4th grade. It took me a while to find it again as I only had faint memory of two of the stories from it. Luckily, I remembered the scariest parts and Google helped me the rest of the way. It was actually a struggle to try and buy it, but I finally got my hands on it.
These stories are excellent for young readers. I think it's important that children have a proper scaring throughout their childhood that is fictional to release a lot of their pent-up real life fears. This book hits the spot. The stories are aimed at young readers, but not written in that goofy joke-book style that many short horror stories for children tend to fall into. These stories are grisly, brutal, and don't have happy endings.
As a 28 year old adult now digging up this book for nostalgic reasons, it was still quite terrifying and I can imagine it's more so for a younger audience. The more horrific parts stuck with me all these years and doing my best to retell them made me a celebrity around the campfire. I love this book and if your children, students, or even yourself are looking for a scarer read, this is your book.