A review by allisonraderreads
Fever by Maya Banks


I liked Fever more than [b:Rush|16033902|Rush (Breathless, #1)|Maya Banks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1359943771l/16033902._SX50_.jpg|21805183] BUT I did not like the characters more than I like Mia and Gabe.

Gabe and Jace are the same in the way that they puff out their chest and act all macho but then have no backbone when it's important. Why have a threesome if your not really down?

I don't hate the idea of a threesome and I actually thought the scene was pretty hot. The hottest of all the sex scenes...So that tells you how boring the book turned.

Bethany is not very memorable and pretty flaky and wish washy. I think she was written well and consistently but I just didn't like her.

I did really like that this book dove a bit more into the bdsm scene and was very traditional. Many complained about the collar, but I liked that bit a lot because of how it tied into the bdsm vibes of the book.

Overall, I would suggest this book to read if you liked the first or you liked Maya Banks. It is not a waste of time and will entertain, but its not a hidden gem.