A review by smiley_kylie
When Death Is Coming by Jen Woodrum


This unique dystopian fantasy is set in a world where people know their death dates and are broken into tiers based on their projected longevity. Those who will live longer are favored, while those with shorter lifespans are put to work. Corrie is a Four, which means she will die before she turns twenty and will spend all her days working within the gloomy walls of the Prime.

I really like Corrie's character. She's a rule-following, people-pleaser (relatable 🙋🏼‍♀️) who cares deeply for her loved ones. She learns a lot and has great growth throughout the book, but she never feels like the all-powerful MC who can easily get out of any difficult situation. She feels perfectly real and breakable and human. It makes her situation and her decisions so much more meaningful. 

The story is beautifully descriptive, and the short chapters make it easy to binge! Life in the Prime seems very gray and stiff and concrete in contrast with the vibrant colors and life outside the walls. It gives Divergent vibes, while maintaining a plot completely its own. 

The ending definitely had me getting emotional! We get closure, but we are also left with plenty of unanswered questions and great set up for book two!