A review by chantaal
Journey Into Mystery, Vol. 1: Fear Itself by Kieron Gillen


Loki had never been a particularly interesting character to me, and when he died trying to save Asgard in Siege, I kind of shrugged and kept reading along. Gillen's run on Journey Into Mystery with Kid Loki has gotten rave reviews, and with Kid Loki joining the Young Avengers (with Gillen writing) in January, I thought it was high time to read up on him.

Gillen breathes life into Loki, and his challenge makes him immediately interesting: he is Loki reborn, and while he is the same soul and has some of the same personality, wit, and mischievous ways, can he really be held as accountable as the rest of Asgard (save Thor) holds him? Do his past actions condemn him for the rest of his life, even if the final one was sacrificing himself to save Asgard (from the very threat he created)? With everyone aware of what he's to become, will nurture be able to change him, or will Loki's nature lead him down the same course? Boom, Philosophied.

(Ever since falling in love with Philosophy this semester and changing my major to it, I've wanted to say that somewhere. BOOM! PHILOSOPHIED. I blame How I Met Your Mother.)

With all those questions and more being raised in Journey Into Mystery, Loki has become a character I'm deeply invested in. I mean, how can you resist this?