A review by ninarivagf
The Children of Jocasta by Natalie Haynes


"incest is not a good enough reason for jocasta to kill herself" ok! if you say so!?

i don't understand this book. there were so many changes that at some point it stopped being a retelling of oedipus and antigone myths and just turned into different stories. this book is like a dull version; no prophecy, laius death lacks the dramatic, no incest, no oedipus stabbing his own eyes. the fun and tragedy are simply gone. jocasta just dies of some illness that we don't care about and its not longer the story about how oedipus (and jocasta) failed to run away from his fate but....some sort of love story???? i don't know because if they're not actuality related that's what it is and i find this quite disturbing.

also i hate these female centric stories who seem so good on paper and then there's not a single positive relationship between two women. the way ismene talks about THE antigone is unbearable who the fuck does she think she is why does she think shes so much better than her. also, for the love of God, stop calling antigone "ani". she out there talking about how the throne is hers and fighting for her brother against their uncle and she's so mocked by the narration. just.....both stories are so badly told, sophocle didn't deserve this.