A review by euripus
The Last Bloodcarver by Vanessa Le


I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Oh. My. God. This was absolutely phenomenal and I am so glad I read this after finishing Sense and Sensibility and being scared I would fall into a reading slump, because this book right here made sure I was pulled right out of any danger. 

The Last Bloodcarver immediately starts off great, and you get pulled into the story as if it's nothing. We meet Nhika, a so-called Bloodcarver as they're known in Theumas, and she's on her way to an appointment, where she ends up using her abilities to help out her client. Except… her client mistrusts her and ends up calling the ultracops on her, where she gets locked up in a cage and is basically auctioned off. 

And this is where stuff really starts happening. Nhika is bought by Mimi and her brother, who asks her to help save the one person who last saw their father alive. They think their father was murdered and want to question the man in coma. The story really escalates from there, but my god it was amazing all throughout. 

The characters in The Last Bloodcarver are well thought out, each and every one of them. Our main character Nhika deals with her grief and we get to see glimpses of her past, but the family she's bought by also has such intricate thoughts we sometimes get to see a glimpse of. And don't get me started on the villain!! 

The ending had me gasping. Can I have the second book now, pretty please? I need it so frigging bad. 

I highly highly recommend this book and cannot wait for the second installment.