A review by kistireads
Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston


This was so much more than I had originally expected, and I expected to really enjoy it but I loved it *so* much more than that!

First off, let me talk about how this middlegrade book is woven so beautifully, complex yet easy to understand and raw. There are so many emotions that Amari goes through, and she does it in such a way that other readers will have an easy time looking up to the young heroine. She's complex, passionate, smart, resourceful and tenacious (among others) - she's much more than just a young girl. I loved her growth, I loved watcher her learn and make friends and confront bullies. It was also heartbreaker to watch the labels and norms the world, both worlds, imposed on her - but definitely important to be talked about!

The setting is middle fantasy - set in the real world but also with a secretive magical community hiding amongst us regular folks. It was believable and immersive, and I found myself wishing to know and be part of a magical community such as this one - if only I could train for a magical job!
The plot was fast paced, with so much being revealed and very action packed; I never felt that we were lagging or going too fast, everything was very well explained. The writing style was accessible even though the story was complex.

Overall, I loved it and I will be picking up the rest of the books that come out in this series. Highly recommended to both adult and middle grade readers!