A review by amym84
Bonfire Night by Deanna Raybourn


Bonfire Night is another Lady Julia novella. It takes place (surprise) around Bonfire Night which, if I have all my facts correct, is on November 5th and along with lighting bonfires and fireworks it celebrates the failure of Guy Fawkes' actions.

Brisbane learns that he has mysteriously inherited a country house, supposedly from a very grateful client upon their deathbed. He and Julia have to be in residence by Bonfire Night or the property will go to no one and be torn down. Of course, ever curious, the Brisbanes, along with Plum and Portia, set upon getting things together for their trip right away even though the trip is laced with suspicion.

Upon arrival suspicions are further fueled by all the talk of how haunted the house is especially around Bonfire Night. This fact is further supported by moans in the night and chain rattling. Obviously, whoever is behind this charade doesn't know the Brisbanes very well if they think a little ghostly activity will put them off, or maybe they do?

I absolutely love the Lady Julia series, but it isn't until I'm reading another adventure that I realize this. I love the direction that Deanna Raybourn went when she started giving us the novella's as opposed to full-length novels.

For me, I liked Bonfire Night quite a bit more than [b:Twelfth Night|21840173|Twelfth Night (Lady Julia Grey, #5.6)|Deanna Raybourn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1398007154s/21840173.jpg|41107333] released earlier this year. They are both good mysteries to solve, but the whole haunted house mystery pulled me in even more.

The humor of the whole situation was wonderful, but not too much that it was overabundant or too in-your-face. Of course one can only assume the least amount of seriousness when dealing with even part of the March family. I liked seeing Brisbane and Julia in the, somewhat, part of parents. If anything that is an aspect of the story I wish we could have seen more of.

I don't know where Deanna Raybourn plans to go next with this series (if anywhere), but I hope she continues to write adventures for Lady Julia. I would read them as long as Ms. Raybourn would decide to write them. Nicholas and Julia Brisbane are one of my favorite pair.