A review by chemslady
Blow Me Away by Christina Hovland


I wasn't sure what to expect from this book since I've never heard of Christina Hovland before. I'm always a bit hesitant with brand new authors--don't get me wrong I love trying new authors and helping them out. I always have a bit of fear. Is the writing as good as the blurb or will I be left questioning why I agreed to even read it. Thankfully, I quite enjoyed this book. No that's not true--I loved it! I loved for many reasons. First,  the last few weeks I've struggled with depression and some personal issues. Second, the book is hilarious! I laughed so much! It brightened my day when I was reading it. I have to say that his grandmother is my favorite character!! Just glancing down on the page and seeing her name, I knew something was coming. She's that kind of character. 

Oh and it's book 2 of Mile High Matched Series. I didn't realize this until I went to Goodreads. Of course, I had to add book 1 to my TBR on Goodreads and Amazon. I can't wait until I get to read it. 

Jase Dvornakov has had a rough few years--divorced, recently returned from a war zone, and completely heartbroken. He's used to disarming bombs for the Navy, now he's a florist. Quite the life change. But thanks to his family, he's coming out of his depression. Now, if he can get his highly involved family to leave him alone and quit bringing eligible women to him, life would be grand. Sick of his meddlesome grandmother and mother, he tells them he can't go on yet another blind date because the baker next door broke his heart. In a way she did--she did turn down his date that morning. What happens next is completely unpredictable and changes everything in Jase's life. 

Heather Reese finally made the plunge--she opened her cookie shop. A dream she's had for years. She sold her car to buy a pink and yellow van with a giant cookie attached and most of her most prized possessions. That van is almost more important than the shop itself. Things are finally coming together for her. Until her boyfriend breaks up with her, evidently she's fun and exciting, but not good enough for long term. She doesn't understand it either since he's the third guy to tell her that. She volunteers at the local retirement and assisted living facility. They always appreciate her. Heather doesn't want to admit that the hot florist ...is hot. He's asked her out a few times, but she knows how it will end. How can she do that since the guy is a business neighbor and he's best friends with Brek, her besties hubby (their story is book 1).  Nope, not doing it. But an incident happens that brings them together. Oh and she did agree to be his ex-girlfriend to keep his meddling family out of his life. Yeah, that's not working out so well since his grandmother thinks she works for Heather...and that's only the beginning of what that old lady does. Heather kinda likes the kookiness ...oh and her cookie recipes put Heather's to shame. How can walk away from the passive aggressive woman who re-arranges her entire apartment...and life? Let alone walk away from her grandson?

Can Jase get his family to butt out of his life?

Can he convince Heather that they should be and stay together?

Will Jase's grandmother ever stay out of trouble? Doubtful.