A review by candidcopywriter
An Unnatural Beanstalk by Brittany Fichter


Honestly, I had thought I would love all the books in this series. After reading A Goose Girl, I went immediately to this book, and somehow got bored in the first two chapters itself. I then read all the other books in this series, hoping that knowing the fate of all the other siblings would make me want to read this book. But no.

Sometimes, I don't have an explanation for why I don't like a book. I somehow just don't. But when I forced myself to go ahead with this book, I understood the reason. I didn't like Eva! She was portrayed in a very disappointing manner. At every point in the book, I would think to myself, "She could have done this bit differently!"

What makes or breaks a book for me, generally, is character development. The plot is, of course, important, and I can never read a dry book even if the characters are developed wonderfully. But if the plot is great, shallow characters just put me off. And that's how I would describe all the characters of this book. Shallow. Eva, the villainous Duke, and even Jack weren't given enough depth.

The ending was wonderful, and it redeemed the book in my eyes. That is the sole reason I'm giving it 3 out of 5 stars. I am, after all, a sucker for happy endings. But otherwise, the book just didn't cut it for me.