A review by belle_fiction
Space Boy Volume 1 by Stephen McCranie


Where do I start with this? Except for saying I loved every single page! <3

Space Boy is a refreshingly unique sci-fi drama centred around Amy (the MC who just happens to have synaesthesia) and her adjustment to life on Earth. The story begins with Amy and her family living on a mining colony in space, where every person (according to Amy) has a flavour. But then disaster strikes and her dad loses his job so they are cryogenically frozen for 30 years and sent to live the rest of their lives on Earth.

Here, Amy finds it hard to adjust to life on Earth and thinks about her best friend, Jemmah, back in space (a girl who is now an adult and has children of her own). She has to contend with societal expectations and catch up on 30 years’ worth of history she missed whilst she was frozen. And then there’s a strange boy named Oliver who doesn’t seem to have a flavour and regularly skips class, but who Amy always seems drawn towards.

So there’s plenty of things happening in Space Boy which is a relatively short read but it’s packed with an abundance of issues including figuring out one’s identity, having to uproot from your home and re-adjust into a completely new one, forging friendships and self-worth struggles. Amy is an incredibly relatable character and I’m glad she has found friends in the confident Cassie and her helpful boyfriend, David.

I’m really looking forward to continuing on with the series and discovering more about the mysterious Oliver. I feel like there are going to be quite a few revelations along the way and I cannot wait!

A delightful little read that I shall be revisiting again and again.