A review by tashenone
Mortal Engines by Stanisław Lem


Once Upon a Time … in Robot Land

A whimsical yet dark collection of Sci-Fi stories told in a fairytale format. A unique idea that worked better than it had any right to even though one had to trudge through a hearty helping of gobbledygook along the way (Lem did not skimp on the made up words). This collection forced one to contemplate the legacy of mankind when humanity’s inevitable departure from this mortal coil finally comes to fruition. Mortal Engines poses an impactful twofold question; Will our metal creations be all we leave behind? And, if so, will they inherit the singular trait that truly makes us human which of course is storytelling? Lem’s philosophical and layered approach to his writing is on full display here and is an excellent showcase of his creative genius.