A review by kentucky_cried_fricken
The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan


1)when all your exes come back to haunt you
2)why tf is camp half blood actively *trying* to kill it's campers lol. don't you want them alive?
3)chb has a killing race. also them when people are close to dying: Oh nO. wE cAn'T aFfOrD tO lOsE aNy MoRe CaMpErS!

Oh, why does college have to happen to perfectly good people?
I always appreciated it when humans sacrificed themselves to save me.
I had assumed that everyone talked about me all the time. I was so interesting they simply couldn’t help it.
The only biohazards we encountered were vegan cupcakes.
I often got sword fighting and tennis confused
Not all monsters were three-ton reptiles with poisonous breath. Many wore human faces.
They were presently on hold with Comcast customer service and might not emerge for hours, if indeed they survived the ordeal at all
(out of context)
I’ve turned too many people I cared about into flowers, Meg
I try to avoid weapons that talk. I find them rude and distracting