A review by brenticus
Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life by Jim Benson, Tonianne DeMaria Barry

informative fast-paced


As with every self-help/productivity book, there's a one-liner that summarizes the whole thing and 200 pages to flesh that out in middling amounts of repetitive detail.

Visualize your work and don't work on too many things at once. There you go. 

Honestly, I like the system and it has some neat ideas on how to tweak it for different purposes and eke more out of it. But unlike, say, the book I read on bullet journaling, this spent a lot of time repeating how critical clarity was without saying anything new to justify it. Like, yeah, if you put a bunch of colourful sticky notes on a board it's easier to visually track it. Took me a few minutes to realize that, didn't need to hear it twenty times, thanks.