A review by riniya
My Cup of Tea by Alice Wilde


I really wanted to like this book. The premise behind why it was written was so petty and hilarious that I immediately got it. But I regret my $3 spent.

The book is so short. I’ll admit it’s my fault I didn’t look at how many pages it was cause it would have dissuaded me from the get go.

I saw the teasers for it on TikTok and I think if this book was even a bit longer .. maybe 150 pages or 200 it would have been a different story.

All of the book happens in one day.
First Guy— met at a coffee shop. He somewhat defends her honor , gives her free coffee. She leaves thinking he’s hot.

Second guy— meets a few minutes later on a train. She stares at him. He gets her number and leaves the book he was reading behind.

Goes to work. Gets sexually harassed. Meets up with second guy to give him his book back. They go back to her apartment so she can change and while she goes inside he goes to the coffee shop.

Third guy — maintenance man working on broken elevator. Acts like a caveman , picks her up without permission and carries her up 8 flights of stairs to her apartment. He lets her in her apartment (forgot her keys) by breaking in. He walks in with no permission WHILE SHES CHANGING and ogles her. And she’s okay with it cause he’s hot. Wtf.

First and second guy appear because … she took to long so guy #2 takes guy #1 with him to check on her ….. uhhh okay?

Three guys find out about why she quit her job. Goes and confronts her boss and threatens him. Suddenly she’s THEIR woman? Also all three of these men were strangers to each other but are okay with sharing. Wtf bro. It’s been a few hours. Calm down.

Eventually they get back to her house and … yea ….

Then suddenly it’s 6 months later and they are all together still.

If the book was longer , there could have been some build up, some …. SOMETHING.

Too many issues for me to like it. Sorry.