A review by gingerliss
The End of Mr. Y by Scarlett Thomas


I have to say, I had a love-hate relationship with this book. One moment I wanted to quit and throw it across the room, the other moment I was glued and it was so gripping I couldn't put it down.
I'm not sure what I think about it overall. It was good, definitely that. The idea and the idea's behind the story were interesting. The characters were interesting. But I felt the author went into the whole physics stuff too often and too much, so much so that in parts of the book I had no idea what she was on about. I really had to push myself through those parts. Also it was quite predictable in parts, still gripping, but I often guessed what was going to happen pages before it did.
I liked Thomas's critical perspective on religion and also on other topics, I also liked the ideas behind the whole trophesphere thing, but they went to deep into physics for me that I ended up just not really understanding them, I think she could have simplified this. Keeping her idea's there but going less into unfathomable detail (unfathomable for people who dropped physics in high school because it was to difficult anyway).
An interesting and at times difficult read, but still enjoyable and I am glad I stuck with it in the end and didn't give up during one of the several times I was thinking of doing just that.
Not too sure about the ending though...