A review by mariahroze
Brave: The Junior Novelization by Irene Trimble


I saw this movie right around the time it came out, but can barely remember it. So when I saw that this book was available at my library I thought, "why not?" This book was much better than I expected! It brought back a lot of good memories about the movie and I forgot how much I really liked Princess Merida.

Princess Merida's mother is trying to find her a husband, but Merida doesn't want to be married. She doesn't need someone to take care of her. She can take care of herself. She hates all the regulations that her society puts on women. Merida gets so mad that her family is trying to marry her off that she visits a witch. The witch helps her by putting a curse on her whole family. To set things right, Merida embarks on a quest and learns more about herself and builds an unlikely relationship with her mother.

This was a cute, easy read story that I enjoyed. Now I need to re-watch the movie :p