A review by agrutle
Tapping Her by Max Monroe


This was more laughs and more hotness from this mysterious set of authors. I read a ton of novellas and this was one of the longer ones. I enjoyed that. We get to see Georgia and Kline on their honeymoon and we get more of an introduction to Cassie and Thatch.

Kline and Georgia are on the beach in Bora Bora and having the time of their lives. Kline is enjoying his wife on every surface that he can get her on. Georgia is loving the loving. Even though she's on her honeymoon she still is answering emails for work and texting Cassie about Walter.

Cassie and Thatch are two peas in a pod they're the same in a million ways. Both are blunt and to the point, and they both are free with their bodies. The way they banter has me on pins and needles waiting for their story. I mean seriously is it July yet?!?

Walter is the same asshole he always was and is. I don't think it should be any other way!

Have you read Kline and Georgia's book? What are you waiting for? It's funny, hot and a hell of a great read!

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