A review by eyed
Opium Warfare by Justin Bienvenue


I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a very fast and easy read.

The story was interesting enough and I liked the main characters both good and bad. The way the visions while on opium were described was excellent. There was a fantastic plot twist that I did not see coming at all. So that was a plus for me.

The main thing that keeps me from rating this higher than 2 stars is the writing itself. There were a couple times where the way something was written made me have to put the book down and take a break because I just couldn't wrap my head around why things were explained so poorly or described in such an odd manner. At one point an opium den was described as being a man made opium den. This confused me because there is really no other way for an opium den to come into existence.

Overall it was a good story but I feel like a little more effort and a larger variety of word usage could have made it much better.