A review by rosielovesreading
Lake by Michelle Heard


Once again, after the slight cliff-hanger which was left in Mason, I started Lake’s book ASAP. Lake is betrothed to Lee-ann, the daughter of a Korean investor in the family business, and to ensure their business deal is ironclad, he must marry her. Lake is fairly reluctant to be the one who must marry, but after speaking to Lee-ann through video chat and text, he feels like he knows her well enough to try. But that all changes when Lee-ann lands in the US and is completely different to the woman he spoke with on the phone.

Lee-ann, blackmailed by a father she barely knows after he threatens her mother, arrives in America knowing she must marry a stranger. She has been taught to be an obedient wife and to please her husband. When she meets Lake, at first she’s scared and decides to take the first opportunity she can to escape back to her mother in South Korea. Except, the more time she spends with him and the group, she realises he’s a kind and caring man, so different from her father and she is shocked by his kindness. She starts to fall for him as they get to know each other and decided to go through with the wedding, after they fall for one another. The boys must work to find an alternate investor to escape the control of Lee-ann’s father but when tragedy strikes, will Lake and Lee be able to make it as a couple, and marry for love not business?

Lake throughout the first two books was such a sweetheart and the most approachable of the three boys. His personality, humour and just general being make him just so likable and did not change during this book. His protectiveness increased tenfold with Lee-ann and he always made sure she was comfortable, adopting Korean traditions and the culture to make her feel more at home. He truly cared for her from the beginning and was always going to stand by her side and protect her. Even down to learning some Korean and making sure she was eating food she liked, he was so caring. Watching Lee come out of her shell was incredible, she became her true self when she was around Lake and they balanced each other perfectly. My heart ached for her for the way she was treated and what she went through, I wanted to give her a hug. The true romantic moments between these two were beautiful and showed even though they didn’t start conventionally, they were meant to be.

Once again, the boy’s friendship was one of my favourite things about this book but seeing them go from college students into the real world was such an evolution. They started thinking as businessmen and knowing that there would be times they would have to put their girls first, but promising to always have that bond was heart-warming. These boys have turned into men and are ready for their futures with their women.

Lake and Lee-ann’s story was a proper slow burn romance, with drama, twists and turns and the best conclusion to the interconnecting plots from the previous two books. I was so impressed with how they solved the problem and still got the HEA they wanted, the ending was perfect.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.*