A review by tartbarbie
Dying in Style by Elaine Viets


Josie’s life hasn’t been easy the daughter of a single parent and one as well she’s made the best out of life. She works as a mystery shopper which gives her the flexibility to be home when her daughter is. When Josie’s next assignment is the local fashion diva’s stores things go horribly wrong. Her boss says he will support her decision to give Danessa a negative review. When she shows up in his office he throws Josie under the bus causing her to defend herself against Danessa.

Next thing Josie knows Danessa and her boyfriend are both dead and her finger prints happen to be on the murder weapon that killed Danessa a belt. Josie did try on the belt that was used to kill Danessa after all it was part of her job. She remembers the girl who helped her that day and knows that she exists even those Danessa herself denied having an employee that looks like the blonde. Josie will need to find the blonde as well as clear her name or she may find herself in prison for a murder she didn’t commit.

I instantly liked Josie she’s a single mom who’s world revolves around giving her daughter the best life she can. She even pretends to be someone she’s not so that her daughter won’t be made fun of. She lives below her mother’s flat so she has support and a helping hand which I liked. Josie also has a best friend who happens to live in the rich luxury part of town Alyce who helps get her out of trouble and I loved her. The pair almost reminds me of Lucy and Ethel from I Love Lucy.

I’ve had Dying in Style on my TBR forever so when it works for this my reading challenges this week I jumped at the chance. This is my first book by Elaine Viets so I had no idea what to expect what I got was a pleasant surprise. The characters are easy to connect with memorable and I very much enjoyed all of them. Dying in Style is a fast paced cozy mystery that mixes in real life, romance and enough suspense to keep me on the edge of my seat. The story is well written it flows from start to finish and I found myself getting lost in Josie’s story and I can’t wait to read the rest of her series and see what happens next. I like that Dying in Style is my idea of a perfect read for a lazy afternoon. I can’t wait to see what trouble Josie and Alyce get into next.