A review by captwinghead
Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1 by Yuu Watase


The concept was somewhat interesting (though concerning such a product was sold to a HS girl), however I wasn't entertained by this at all. I appreciated that Night is leagues above 99% of male characters in shoujo by not being the kind of guy that sexually assaults his love interest. Sucks that the bar is in hell, but it's disheartening to see how many of these stories involve men hitting on underage girls or not taking "no" for an answer.

The FL is very uninteresting. I acknowledge that the HS girl desperate for boobs and a boyfriend will never be something I've related to. Even as a teenager, I never cared about that sort of thing. However, unlike female leads in other shoujos, this character had nothing else going on for her. She wasn't smart, a good friend, brave or funny. Her only goals in life were having a boyfriend. She doesn't even seem to have any female friends. Why would I root for her?

Night, the fake boy, is the most interesting character and that's quite sad considering. I don't have any interest in continuing this series.