A review by awexis
Cake by Lauren Dane


Finally finished the book. This is supposed to be a 3-4hours read but due to work, I haven't been able to finish it. Well, anyway... We already know thag Real Life sucks big time. LOL.

Hmmm. This book is like the books I have read in the past. Back when I was still reading Filipino novels... Some of the storyline is similar. Not that the man in every book is an artist. Mainly, rich guys.

In any case, I like it. It was good. Although I do not like how it was written. I just meant that I wish the author could separate the two POVs. Like make it every Chapter, POV changes. I always say that I love delving into the mind of BOTH main characters and I totally support 2 POVs. But of course, one might be confused when reading Cake because this paragraph was the girl's POV but the next it suddenly changes to the guy. Please stick to one POV to make it easier for the readers.

Or you could make it like this paragraph is the girl's POV and make 2-3 space lines before starting the guy's POV. I've seen that kind and it is understandable. You just have to think of a way of incorporating two POVs without making the readers confused.

That said, yeah , me likes it. The main problem is with the man being scared. Of what? I leave that up to you. The problem can be actually resolve quickly as seen towards the end. It just took a long because the author makes them develop the feelings first which is quite right and good. Although you cannot be mistaken that there is an attraction between the two of them in the beginning..

Oh yeah, I was waiting for sex scene. And it's a bit in the middle of the book before it happened and after that, it happened more. lol. I mean, I'm all for the love scene but I don't like it too often. But here, I guess it is just right for the target readers.