A review by veronicad
The Debt & The Doormat by Laura Barnard


If you like reading books about characters that you can't stand then this is the book for you my friend. I kept expecting Poppy to realise what an absolutely toxic friend Jazz was and that they would have a fallout. But no such thing, Poppy seemed to find Jazz behaviour adorable and charming. What mostly annoyed me was that Jazz kept making Poppy promise her different things she wouldn't do or do do, but when it came to what Jazz had promised Poppy she would just do the opposite.
The love interest wasn't better either ( can't even remember his name now). Always annoyed at Poppy for the smallest of things.

I was so excited to read this book as soon as I heard of it. And in the beginning it was fine, I liked the Bridget Jones feel that the book was aiming for. My biggest problem with the book was how the author used situations from the sitcom Friends. The first time it happened I didn't think that much of it, thought it was an Easter egg type of situation. But then it kept happening, and I couldn't see past it as quirky anymore.
The storyline is a bit all over the place. The swapping lives stuff didn't really seemed like it was leading anywhere, more like an excuse. I felt like the book would still be the same even if it wasn't in there.