A review by jasonben10
I Wrote This Book Because I Love You: Essays by Tim Kreider


Deeper and more melancholic vibes than his first but still the same great observational comedy going on. Lots of relationship analysis in this one and his reflections.

In the story about the longest partnership in his life - his cat, " An unshared life feels scarily as if it might not be occurring" p. 137

Interesting passage from the story about him teaching a writing course at a college, "I could understand, in principle at least, why priests are required to be celibate: when you don't want anything from someone, you can give yourself freely, without fear. I liked being in a position for the first time in which I could help someone, dispense advice and encouragement, be generous without an agenda. Where I had the power to be kind." p. 171

Certainly not as impactful as his first book but nonetheless I think there is some interesting brooding going on here, perhaps much later in life a revisit would be rewarding. Good second to last essay about his God thoughts btw.