A review by teachreadreview
Take Three Girls by Simmone Howell, Fiona Wood, Cath Crowley


If you don't know that I love changing points of view by now, then I don't know where you've been hiding. Honestly, it wins me over. Every. Single. Time. This books was different in that the changing POV did not add any mystery or suspense. Instead, it was used as a device to allow 3 authors to write in their own voices and still meld together beautifully, and to flesh out 3 very distinct characters within one novel. Bravo! I've never read anything else from these authors, but I did enjoy their writing styles. Having each 'voice' in its own font was a nice choice. I appreciated that tid-bit.

The set-up was slow. Like, painfully slow. It took me 2 months to read the first 1/3 of the book because it just wasn't grabbing me. I did appreciate that the dillemma itself was realistic. It wasn't 'Pretty Little Liars' crazy, which was totally an option (and that probably would have pulled me in really quickly, but it would have been a cheap cop out). The slow burn definitely paid off in the end, as I was invested in each of our three girls and their year 10 problems at an all girl's school. I went to an all girl's high school. I know the problems. I know the feeling. Heck, I even went to boarding school for a year, so the boarding scenarios were a laugh! All-in-all, very realistic. Kudos to the authors for this. Not common in YA.

Unfortunately I guessed the twist ending at about halfway through. There were also A LOT of side characters to keep a track of. I understand that this added to the natural flow of the text, but for my forgetful brain, I didn't really know who I was reading about half the time. More my fault than that of the authors.

Overall I really liked the message about building equality and that not all men are jerks and not all women are saints. Let's just all be nice humans, eh?