A review by lunxy
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


OK SO i need to stress that i did hav fun reading this book! and i’m excited to finish to finish the series…. and to my favourite SJM apologist pls dnt kill me for only giving it 2 stars 😭😭😭 (n pls only read the first half of this review 💀)

- the idea of going thru something so fucked up that ur fundamentally a different person and therefore are no longer the person your partner fell in love with is i think really interesting.., tamlin and feyre both changing for better or for worse was cool 

-the bone carver literally slayed… the entire scene where they hav to exchange truths was really really cool..,,. and feyre attracting the attention of all these ancient fucked up beings jus bc she’s something new was sick!!

-the start of feyre and rhysands relationship was really fun to read, the passages where she was in the night court and it was rhysand trying to feel her vibe and gain her trust we’re probably the highlight of the book for me (memorable moments are feyre chucking her shoes at his head and rhysand teaching her to read 🤭🤭🤭 hehehe) 

- i also just really liked the vibe of the summer court 😃 it was fun seeing somewhere that had a really distinct vibe frm the rest of the world 


-Lucian my beloved 😏🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
(tamlin my secret beloved)

THINGS I DIDNT LIKE (babes u know who u r pls stop reading now 😭 ily) 

-i said the same thing with the last book but the beginning was a bit too rushed… there is a HUGE shift in tamlins character and whilst i like the idea of it, it was way too rushed… i would hav liked to actually see him spiral more so it wasn’t such a sudden change

-in the same vein if liking the idea of something but feeling the execution could hav been better, feyre being all broken and traumatised did get a bit repetitive… she would jus keep going on about how weak and disgusted she is with herself and like i’ll admit after a bit i was like 🙄🙄🙄 babes i got it…. u rlly driving this point home…. at least use some different phrases damn 🙄 it jus felt a bit like they were saying the same thing over and over again EVEN THO i did enjoy the fact there were serious consequences to her being kidnapped and the journey of her wanting to paint again 

- i really could not get used to the constant use of MALE and FEMALE 😭😭😭😭 like i get that it’s bc they’re faires but like…. they are not really written as not-human either like they jus read as hot men with wings and magic… there is nothing that makes them really unique and fae like???? so having to read shit like “lazy male smile” 😭😭😭 i…. struggled 

-the fact that she built up that the humans queens where not beautiful and were chosen to rule based on ability or whatever and i was like 😚😋 slay… but then included one really hot and and she was the only good one and the only one that rlly mattered 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😃 sjm obsession with ppl being hot is tiring 

-i found a lot of the characters to be really 2 dimensional 🫣 😭 i like the base ideas/vibes of cassian azriel mor and amren and was excited for there characters to develop but they…… never really did? like, who you think they are at first meeting them is exactly who they stay after 600 pages so it was hard to really connect with them when they didn’t feel like fully realised characters? like literally the first dinner feyre has with them they all just monologue their tragic backstories at her?? 😭 and tbh there is so much sad backstory monologuing in this book..,,.. i can’t think of any character who had their backstory delivered in an interesting way….., all of the women oppression plot lines were jus TOLD to us but we never really see it..,,. same with how cruel the Illaryians (def not spelled right lol) and so much else..,.. it’s jus a lot of ppl saying how shit everything is..,.i think this book would hav benefited frm a lot more SHOWING vs TELLING 

-and now for my biggest crime 🫡🫣 i did not like rhysand ……. 😃😭 IM SORRY 😭😭😭😭 i did really like him at the start but as it went on i just found him…. boring?….. the fact that his is the MOST BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL and is ALWAYS in the right and even if you think he’s wrong turns out later he will monologue and explain how he was actually doing it all for feyre and for the good and all the bad stuff was just an act and also if he hurts feyres feelings even if he’s right he will immediately apologise bc he’s jus that good like 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the is no??? nuance to that ig??? like you’ve immediately taken any tension out of the story bc why would i care that the city is being invaded when in the first quarter of the book u already told me he’s the most powerful and no one can step to him????? why would i care about the tamlin rhysand feyre dynamic when you’ve already made it clear that rhysand is the best person to walk the earth?????  like maybe it would b interesting if his power isolated him? oh wait no don’t worry besties 😃 turns out he’s beloved by everyone and he’s jus ur average joe somehow too x … he didn’t feel like an interesting character bc the book went out of its way to stress there was absolutely nothing wrong with him and he can do no wrong?? i think lucian and tamlin remained my favourites despite being butchered in this book jus bc scenes with them were automatically more interesting to read… 

-the mating trope is really not for me 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i HATED everytime feyre would call him “my mate” 😭😭 THE FACT THAT FEMALES ACCEPT THE MATING BOND BY COOKING THE MALE FOOD??????,, THAT IS SO INSIDIOUS AND EVEIL 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 cmon gender norms 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 the way sjm sets feyre up the whole book for her girlboss era and then they mate and she makes her a housewife 💀💀💀 nauurrrrrr 😭😭😭 AND THAT WHEN MALES MATE THEY BECOME REALLY AGGRESSIVE AND POSSESIVE BUT ITS NOT THEIR FAULT BC THATS JUS HOW IT WORKS??????? there’s no way this is so twisted 💀😭😭😭😭💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😭😭 i think i felt ambivalent to rhysand thru most of the book but when they mated i started to b fr annoyed by rhys…. AND THAT FEYRE DIDNT EVEN FEEL IT SOME RANDOM SURIEL TOLD HER THEY WERE MATED BRUH??????????????? like the whole idea of rhysand vs tamlin being that he always tells feyre it’s her choice BUT NARRATIVELY THEIR ROMANCE CULMINATES IN FEYRE BEING ROBBED OF A DECSICION BC SOME MAGIC BULLSHIT MADE THEM MATES????? ur joking 😭😭😭😭😭 nauurrr 

-also jus on the side 1- feyre having suicidal thoughts and then rhysand being like NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN 🤬🤬🤬👿👿👿👿 IM SERIOUS like 💀 that is not how u talk to someone with mental health issues skhsjhsksbaksbsj 
2- the couldren needing to recharge after turning 2 sissies into fae when it made the entire universe?? like is it all powerful or not 
3- rhysand was always roaring and feyres dogs were always barking 😭😭😭
4- it felt lazy that the way they had plot reveals was jus that they never told feyre anything ever and everytime something weird would happen feyre would just like to herself “it must have been horrible… i was sure i never wanted to know” BUT SHE SAID THAT ABOUT LIKE EVERYTHING LIKE WHY DOES SHE NOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING LIKE MAYBE U DNT WNA KNOW BUT I DO TF 😭😭😭😭😭

SO IM GLAD I READ IT AND IM KEEN TO FINISH THE TRILOGY BC I LOVE LOVE LOVE TALKING ABOUT THE LORE BUTTT i do think the first book was better…, bc it was more of a straight romance and i think sjm is kinda weak at fantasy world building … the first book had less of that 💀🫡🫡🫡🫡 praying i still hav friends after this hot take 

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