A review by tessiekat
Heaven and Earth by Nora Roberts


Heaven and Earth was much better than its predecessor, [b:Dance Upon the Air|59829|Dance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island, #1)|Nora Roberts|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1263843885s/59829.jpg|58217].Leaps and bounds ahead of it. The two main characters were a much more likeable in my opinion.

I did not like Ripley in the last book, but knowing her motivations behind her actions made her relatable in this book and she is my favorite of the three women. I love her relationship with her brother. Dr. Booke is so much hotter than our last male lead because his personality is SOOOO much more likable. He is not pushy, he takes Ripley's feelings, thoughts, wants, and desires, into consideration, and he does not try to change her personality, unlike the former male lead. *cough cough*. The contrast between Ripley and Dr. Booke is wonderful, and it creates some amazing tension that when it finally snapped, it sizzled.

In a really weird way, I loved their shared interest in fitness because of my own journey in weight loss. Repeatedly in romance novels, the leads just happens to have underwear model worthy bodies. We are expected to believe that the female lead has good genes and the male lead’s career lets him have that body. I liked that they strived for it, worked for it, and enjoyed working for it, and we were able to see that. It was realistic and that made me like them both more.

Overall, I would suggest it to any Nora Robert's fans, and any fans of sexy but nerdy male leads, rich guy meets every day girl romances, supernatural romances, and romances that include a strong woman falling in love for the first time.