A review by msgtdameron
Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn as Told by a Friend by Thomas Mann


This is a very hard read. The nuances of Adrians life and the parallel to the rise and fall of Fascism is at times subtle and at times in your face. To me the most interesting section is in the middle.

Around page 220 and going to 247 Adrian and the Devil have a talk. The whole discussion is trying to get Adrian to make the Faustian bargain. The same Faustian bargain that Mann says Germany made when they voted the NAZI party into office and Hitler as Chancellor. This can be further looked at in the current political situation we have here in the U.S..

This is what makes these middle pages so interesting. They ring with the same points that the current GOP is espousing to the masses now and since 2016. Our current POTUS is very like Adrian and his lust for perfection except in the POTUS case it is lust for power. How much of OUR soul are we, the people of the U.S., willing to give to the GOP for them to satisfy there lust?