A review by andintothetrees
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr


I finished How To Save A Life on the 2nd January, making it my first book of 2013. Donna sent me this a few months back but for some reason it lay on the shelf for a while – I suppose I just didn’t feel in quite the right mood for it, but I should have trusted her judgement and jumped right on it when it popped through my letterbox as I loved it. It was a perfect YA novel – easy to read with believable characters, absorbing and thought-provoking. Yes, the issues it covers (bereavement and teenage pregnancy) have been “done” before (although perhaps not necessarily at the same time) but How To Save A Life provided a fresh take on these (near-)universal experiences.

...[Read my complete review here: http://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/how-to-save-a-life-by-sara-zarr]