A review by rachhreadss97
The Heartbreak Rule by Stephanie Archer


Ugh this book… okay let me just say I loved this book in the beginning. I loved how the characters just bounced off each other. The flirting? The tension? I was so invested. I love Stephanie archer and her books sooo much but the ending for this book was not it for me… I was really disappointed. For me it felt super out of character after all the growth for both characters to go through such an extreme break up, and then getting back together. I truly felt like it was not needed at all… it was hard for me because it was a 4/5 star read for me and then at the end it just felt so not right. I couldn’t imagine the FMC leaving like that after all the work she did with herself, and the MMC it almost felt like all the time they took to develop their feelings, being friends, clearing the air, and falling in love was not worth it for her to just ditch up after admitting she loved him… idk the ending was just not it for me :(