A review by crookedtreehouse
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age, Volume 1: The End of History by Chris Claremont


This is basically a continuation of Claremont's incredibly dated and not very interesting X-Treme X-Men run. It's many of the same characters, in many of the same boring scenarios he has written before, and will write again.

The first issue has nods to other books taking place at the same time (Academy X and the main X-Men title) but after that intriguing first issue, Claremont introduces Fury, yet another adapting androidish creature who Can't Be Stopped! Until it is.

There's also a heavy focus on Sage, who had the potential to be an interesting character, but never achieved it.

There's also the Oh So Familiar And Boring Claremont/Davis twist where a character "dies" only to be revealed a page or two later as having been replaced by another team member, so everyone is totally fine! Deus Ex Claremont.

If you're a fan of modern comic writing, you can completely skip the entire 21st century Claremont run on Uncanny X-Men. But if you like 80s style over-narration and completely obvious storylines, then this is a solid read. Neither Claremont nor Davis ever really evolved as storytellers (while Davis's pencils have evolved over the years, his panelling and contributions to stories has not), so if you really love their work, you'll find this comfortable and famliar. Especially if you were into their Excalibur run, which gets some return time in this volume.