A review by alexrashelle
My Cone and Only by Susannah Nix


What a spicy introduction to the King family!

The “best friends” trope was heavy and I adored it. I loved that the story is told from two different points of views - Andie’s and Wyatt’s. It gives even more insight to how they felt in their pasts and the build up of feelings in the now.

And let me just say, as much as every woman deserves a partner that adores them, Andie could very well be an independent woman who doesn’t need a man for a damn thing. She’s stubborn and level headed and knows exactly what she wants.

Wyatt, on the other hand, was much more of a free spirit. So it was lovely watching the two personalities come together in such wonderful harmony.

I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a romantic, (mostly) light hearted read!