A review by imogenreads7
Unf*ck Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life by Gary John Bishop


Id give this book a solid ⭐️⭐️ and a half out of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The whole book is a man shouting at you about how your circumstances are all your fault and “you just need to have good habits and exercise and say these 7 affirmations every day and you’ll be good to go” . I feel like this is such a privileged blanket statement to make and it’s just not true, that’s just not real life, we don’t have to pretend it is. Real life doesn’t always look like that. It’s so surface level and just screams privilege, lack of empathy, little experience with real life pain and difficulties. I’m not saying we don’t control our emotions or reactions and I’m not saying that our thoughts don’t become our reality TO A CERTAIN EXTENT but that’s not the whole picture, and this book just displays the author’s lack of human experience so much - this is some toxic positivity shouty aggressive privileged male bullsh*t tbh.

He just added a swear word in the title to make everything sound edgy and made every second word a swear word to make it seem more serious but all he accomplished there was making his readers, or at least me, feel screamed at.

If I’m being completely honest and blunt, it’s basically just a privileged white man shouting at you about how everything is your fault and you can change every bad situation in your life. Its not a book that takes real life circumstances, mental illness, chronic illness, trauma, poverty, etc into consideration (not that all of those apply to me, although some do, but just in general). All I feel is that I’ve been screamed at by a privileged male telling me my life situations are all my fault and I have the power to change it. I’m not a fan.

Anyways. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.