A review by emhamill
An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner


Ho-lee CRAP I love these books. When it dropped into my Kindle the other day I couldn't read it immediately and it was killing me. But now I've read it in two sleep-deprived days interrupted resentfully by stuff like work and eating and it was SO WORTH IT.

This one about killed me, so I'm kind of nervous about the seventh and final book coming in October. More demons, more danger, soooo much more Jono and Patrick and their chosen family/pack. There is so much action and peril in this book that you barely have time to breathe before Hailey Turner bludgeons you with the next event. It was awesome.

Jono and Patrick's god pack is gaining power and respect, and the nasty old god pack leaders who rule by fear and dirty fighting have done something so irretrievably foul that there is no way Jono can't answer. He must settle the question regarding who rules New York City once and for all. But Patrick's career and reputation is torn to shreds when he is framed for a brutal murder, and the truth about him co-leading the god pack comes to light--along with every other literal skeleton in his closet being bared to the media. Jono's enemies know that his only weakness is Patrick, but unfortunately, the Dominion Sect is also out to capture Patrick in order to complete a ghastly spell that will bring about the final battle.

AAARGH. That's all I have to say until book seven probably destroys me.