A review by read_on_reader
The Spy by Sophie Lark


I am almost speechless as I process this beautiful, intense journey. I want to scream at the top of my lungs about it all while not spoiling a single thing. So, this review will be pretty vague because this journey has been building up since book one and it blew my mind to pieces then had my heart in my throat the whole time. This book took me on a ride one second, I was shocked, the next falling in love, then back to having my heart in my throat and stomach dropping out. I was all over the place, but in the best way possible. The author has created this world that I want to be a part of, I want to be in thick of it with the characters, even if it could be dangerous, I am so down to have their backs. The characters are beyond amazing, strong, resilient, and just perfectly flawed. With so many twists, turns, ups, and downs I just was overwhelmed with amazement because how genius is this author to make this world so realistic, dangerous, yet lovable!!! I can’t get enough of these stories, couples, friends, just everything. I can’t even mention the main storyline or the main characters because that will give the readers way too much to go on and this is a read that everyone needs to go into blind to get the full effect of this world and the fierceness of love.