A review by brisingr
We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer


*takes a breath in* I don't know how to tell you that you should care about the fate of humanity and the ecosystems we inhabit, because the climate collapse is going to be an issue during our damn lifetimes.
(But btw, if you are new to the topic and want some accessible climate change information, delivered in a really easy to understand and beautiful way, then I really do recommend Jonathan Safran Foer - his other book on the topic, Eating Animals, is also really really damn good)

We are killing ourselves because choosing death is more convenient than choosing life. Because the people committing suicide are not the first to die from it. Because we believe that someday, somewhere, some genius is bound to invent a miracle technology that will change our world so that we don’t have to change our lives. Because short-term pleasure is more seductive than long-term survival. Because no one wants to exercise their capacity for intentional behavior until someone else does.